It's funny how a kid who had everything soon found out what it was like to have nothing during the great depression years. The stocking he hung for Christmas was all but empty on Christmas day. The clothes he wore were now hand me downs and shoes, when they wore out, were stuffed with card board. The days before Christmas he would walk around looking into the store windows and the Lionel trains that were on display. He remembered not long ago how he played with those very same trains but now they were gone, sold for what they could get. There was an empty feeling in his stomach and some sadness crept into his mind. The lavish meals that he once ate were but a memory but somehow he always was fed. But despite all the poverty, kids still had fun playing games. Most were in the same boat, so nobody thought they were poor. The depression lasted so long and ate up most of his childhood. But he learned how to do without and make the most of what he had.
The Great Depression Years
George J. Carroll